GIIS as a Social Project


Let’s first ask ourselves a question: what are ICOs all about?

There are two parts in every ICO. A typical ICO is about two things:

  1. a project that is doing its best, promising its investors great fortune;
  2. people taking a leap of faith and believing into this project.


But it happens so that an ICO falls short of the expectations people place on it and just fails. And then its investors are left with nothing but a pile of useless tokens that have absolutely no value anymore.

Or there is another option, when a project is still working but is lagging far behind the plans it had set for itself in the Roadmap. In these cases, it can be useful to remind people what they are working and waiting for, what this project was all about.

And this is where the GIIS comes in.

GIIS stands for Global ICO Insurance System. As one can see from its name, it serves as an insurance for ICOs that are somehow not standing up to the high standards of the industry. GIIS is a tool that can help you get back the money for such tokens.

The best thing about it is that there is no need to give away your tokens. This is not some kind of scheme where fraudsters take advantage of unpopular tokens, do something to bump up their price and then sell it for more money. In GIIS, everything that clients need to do is to prove that they possess the tokens, by sending a screenshot of the wallet or of the Personal Area on the site of the token. So the tokens can remain with the tokenholder and he or she can even sell them one day, if they find it necessary.

GIIS helps people return their investments and helps projects prove their investment potential and win back their reputation among the general public.

So if you have ever tried yourself as an ICO investor and the results were not very good, you can give a try to our Programme. We have made a simple questionnaire, and we would really appreciate if you gave your answers to it!


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